Find us
We’re at
53-55 Queenstown Road,
London SW8 3RG.
Closest stations Queenstown Road and Clapham Junction.
Get in touch
For an initial consultation or to request an appointment please contact us on:
020 7622 3973
or send us an email:
Opening times
Monday – Friday: 9.00am – 5.30pm
(Early mornings, late evenings, Saturdays available by appointment)
SW Smiles Services
At SW Smiles we offer a wide range of treatments including oral hygiene, preventative dentistry and white fillings. With these general dentistry services, our aim is to ensure patients keep their natural teeth throughout their life.
In addition to our dental services we also offer facial aesthetic treatments for wrinkle elimination and hyperhidrosis.

Coronavirus Management
Our commitment to patient safety is of the utmost importance, hence, infection control is a priority. Following the arrival of Covid-19 this is even more vital.